
"h***, can i resign from my post?" 

"no! if u resign, others might do the same..
then, who's gonna lead?
who's gonna carry out our duties?
who's gonna take care of those kids?"

i'm just thinking that it is the time for me to make 
way to new face, fresh guy to carry out my job.
i guess he can do better than me.
xleh ke?"


....just don't"


"have a cup of coffee or plate of nasi lemak..
n start thinking by yourself.
there is reason why you are one of us at 
the first place..
sume bende ade hikmah.."


2 Voices:

annamlatun December 3, 2008 at 10:23 PM  

"..tHe fUtURe bELonGs tO ThoSe wHo bELieVe iN tHe BEauTy oF tHeIr dReaMz...."

tusky December 3, 2008 at 10:48 PM  

hey, that's my principle..

"this blog welcome all of you to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, suggestions, messages,screams and complains.. let the voices within you being heard by others"

