i'm going to uncover..
the story behind my quotes of life
"the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Eleanor Roosevelt
- "It is an inspirational quote. It is basically telling you to dare to dream because only people who dream will think big and hence have ambitions which they will hopefully reach out to. When you dream and have ambitions, and actually work towards them then your future has a aim...something in store for you."
- "Being an eternal optimist, I'd like to believe this means the Better side of our humanity will be our future. If, we believe in the beauty of our dreams, we will follow up on them. A positive perspective will motivate us, more than a negative one.
I like it" - "it means those who truely believe in achieving in their dreams and take actual actions to achieve it will succeed. if you are unsure or doubtful about your dream you would not have the motivation to fulfill it. those who truely believe in their dreams and work hard for the sake of fulfilling it will achieve more than others."
- "This is a wonderful quote... If you don't have a dream/ goal, you're heading no where... meaning you have no future. If you have a dream/goal you're working towards, you have a plan for your future... Dreams/ goals inspire us and spur us on to fight for what we want, deserve and want to claim as our own. Without a dream/goal, we're travelling through life without a map, with a planned destination... we're just going through the motions. We're alive each day, but not living. We work and play, but it has no meaning to us. Everyday is the same, so even though time only moves forward, tomorrow is not future if it's the same as today."
- "let me anser that with another quotation:"
"The me i see is the me i'll be. if i cannot see it, i will never be it. until i believe it, i will never achieve it."
1 Voices:
quite inspiring
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