
yesterday i was in HTAA
yesterday i was attending i-care
it was great experience
it was valuable memories

i was scared at first
i felt awkward at first
i felt nervous at first..
i'm going to meet special people
the patients..
the real one..
it's not real tv or drama like house Md.
this is real

greet the unknown...
breaking the ice, to no matter who..
then they started their stories
on how they were admitted to ward
on what they feel about being warded
on who help them gone through this hard time
on how hard they have to deal 
with new bed, new life, even for a while 

2 hours gone so fast...
i only managed 5 special one
thought it wasn't enough
but that's all we got
these guys need love
these guys need attention from us
these guys need an i-care attitude towards them
yesterday they were healthy
but today, they just lying on their bed
some got tubes and wires all over body

remember this reminder
one day we'll be like them..
lying on bed weakly and hopelessly
waiting for somebody who have
an i-care attitude
towards us


8 Voices:

Anonymous January 5, 2009 at 6:47 AM  

i've been warded b4..tp mase tadika la..but soon maybe we'll be warded again..mase tua lak..tp mintak dijauhkanla kan..

tusky January 5, 2009 at 7:47 AM  

i've been warded twice kot
1st tu operation tonsil
2nd tu due to broken bone
sumhow trip2 gini can be
gud reminder to us

Anonymous January 5, 2009 at 10:28 AM  

yeah u r rite..
being warded can't be expected..
niway good info 4 us..

Unknown January 5, 2009 at 5:42 PM  

like we used to be advised: use 5 before 5 :)

3p4h January 5, 2009 at 7:52 PM  

Betul 2 bro. Adik aku br je kne warded (refer entriku Membina Bukan Memusnah) dan apa yg ko katakan 2 mmg btul.

Kdg2 dsebabkn kurangnya etika mjaga org sakit mnyebabkn org 2 lg sakit. Mujur adik aku kuar mlm ni pas operate pg td..

tusky January 6, 2009 at 3:01 PM  


tp kite slalu lupe,
slalu xhapal lagu
raihan tu..=p

semoga adikmu lekas sihat

runescape money,

As January 7, 2009 at 12:38 AM  


ahh...tamau dah...


tapi private hosp rasa cam tamau balik :D

tanya zaki tak caye..haha

'those' people u said above..memang tak tertahan hati tengok..

tusky January 7, 2009 at 12:01 PM  

aku pun penah masuk private hospital..
layanannya bagus,
aku xrase pon yg diorg wat gitu atas nama 'bayar lebih'

aku dapat jumpe 5 patient je,
tp still leh rase gak r kepayahan diorg..=)

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