Facilitator Squad Training (known as FST) is back!!
here's some facts..=):
Hurry up!don't miss it!spread the news to others!see you there! =)"La Viva Faciteam"
FST 3!!
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Monday, January 26, 2009
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Facilitator Squad Training (known as FST) is back!!
here's some facts..=):
Hurry up!don't miss it!spread the news to others!see you there! =)"La Viva Faciteam"
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Copyright 2009 - "vOIcEs WiThiN"
7 Voices:
second years and above pun leh datang gak...
same2 r kite meramaikan community services volunteer di iium..=)
okeh, VT pun Censerve gak
salam...selamat berFST.
nak promote sikit untuk WacKOS' Book Drive: http://alifzaimimra.blogspot.com/2009/01/lets-book-drive.html
terima kasih bro. RC for all! ;)
yang dah nak grad pun, leh join kah? huhu~
hurmm.. lawa poster tuh.. pengisisan best tak? hehe
mungkin korang leh wat poster di blog2 rakan2..
blog umpama makanan ruji ketika ini..
Faci Team for al! =p
eh, pe salahnye.. mari2.. pokok pangkalnya ilmu yang dituntut, ditanam dan semadi dalam hati
ntah, tapi aku yakin x kurang hebatnye berbanding fst sebelum ni..
Hahahaa... Aku tgelak bl madan tny psl pengisian 2... Erm apa la agknya yg korg nk kalo korg join FST 3 tu???
Cuba bg idea skit...
pabila mtc bersuara
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