the child cried again...
but for what reason?
was it because she is hungry?
was it because she lost
the love, the touch
from her love one?
crying child is like
everyday story
now and then
more children cried
because of abuse
because they live in fears
because the most trusted one
is the one who violate her right
what about the women?
oh, they are synonym tears
is it right?
but perhaps their counterpart
remain as the culprit..
who rob their cheers
causing them in tears
all the time..
and now,
what about the man?
why he is crying too?
he is duped as the strongest
hard as steel
why he shed into tears?
well, maybe
maybe inside those arrogant exoskeleton
he still has heart
he still has pain to be cried for..
we are all the same..
the tears
Posted by
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Labels: voice within
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