di sebalik kongkongan diri...

selalu selalunye..
aku blame org..
geram kat org...
dok suruh aku itu ini..
jadi begitu jadi begini..
hampeh tul...
nape nak ngatur idup?
t xde life r aku..
dok terkongkong bwh tempurung..

semuanya diletakkan pada org..

tp aku xpenah nak amik tau..
atau mungkin terlalu ego untuk mengaku

bahawa i have no life thingy
xde kene mengene pun ngan
so called-org-kongkong-thing...
it was me yg x try smtg new..
it was me yg malas nak rancakkan
explorasi hidup, yg singkat
it was me yg nak dok lam safe mode
it was me yg x nak grab golden chances

it was me yg selame ni kongkong diri sendiri..

patut r susah nak selesai persoalan..
cari2 punca pada orang
rupa2nya kene tengok dulu batang idung sendiri..

options in life are informed choices...

"this blog welcome all of you to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, suggestions, messages,screams and complains.. let the voices within you being heard by others"

