If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here and now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Dont give away the end
The one thing that stays mine"
Labels: songs for tusky
"If you don't mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
And Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
Deeper Conversation
Let me"
-by Yuna
deeper conversation
sounds sweet...
sounds promising and helpful
but then again
how many of us would care
to tell us
"All your hopes and fears
And Everything that you believe in"
do we care bout other's hope?
do we bother bout other's fear?
or we just let others keep them
shut them up in their silence
Labels: voice within
Labels: isu
Why do Girls Allow taking Of Nude Pictures?
IT has to be a sign of absolute trust, plain gullibility or loose morals when we read of the same consequences of usually failed relationships (or stolen hand phones) in “Woman who lost gems fears release of nude pics” (The Star, May 20) where women fall prey to blackmail of having their nude pictures exposed.
Some questions that beg to be asked are: “Why our sweet ladies think that it’s proper to allow their boyfriends to take pictures of them naked? Do they think naked flesh will cement their relationship and stop the boyfriends from straying or flirting?
If a boyfriend threatens to break off a relationship if he is not allowed to take pictures of her undressed, does she believe it’s worth to keep such relationships?
We have seen how such pictures have nearly destroyed the careers and families of those exposed, and yet there are women wanting to continue frolicking in the altogether. And for heaven’s sake, most of them are not even engaged!
Of course, we can say Malaysia is a progressive nation and we are broad minded and what anyone does in private is private. But to trust a guy completely just because he says you have a lovely body and he wants to have sweet memories? Come on ladies, grow up!
Petaling Jaya.
courtesy from The Star
Labels: isu
And you.....Could bring me to my knees...Again.
All the times.....When I could beg you please...In vein.
All the times.....When I felt insecure...For you
And I leave.....My burdens at the door...
But I'm on the outside, I'm lookin in.
I can see through you, see your true colors.
Cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
I can see through you, see to the real you.
All the times.....That I felt like this won't end...It's for you.
And I taste.....What I could never have...It was from you.
All the times...That I've cried...My intentions...Were full of pride.
But I watse.....More time than anyone...
But I'm on the outside, I'm lookin in.
I can see through you, see your true colors.
Cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
I can see through you, see to the real you.
All the times.....That I've cried...
All this wasted....It's all inside...
And I feel.....All this pain...
Stuffed it down.....It's back again...
And I lie.....Here in bed...
All alone.....I can't mend...But I feel...Tomorrow will be ok.
I'm on the outside and I'm lookin in.
I can see through you, see your true colors.
Cuz inside your ugly, your ugly like me.
I can see through you, see to the real you.
Labels: songs for tusky , voice within
ever seeing a guy who
been with hp all the time?
from sleeping, eating,
lecturing, or even playing games
in the field...
in fact during driving sometimes
their hands couldn't stop playing
with their 'tasbih elektronik'
it's a trend nowadays...
but is it good for us?
our hands only two
our eyes pun two gak..
are we going to dedicate them
all the time with this gadget?
where would be our effectiveness
in working, in our focus?
it's like much of the moment
being robbed by this sophisticated gadget
i was into this 'syndrome' too
i guess it is the time for me
to detoxify..
coz our relationship with people
could not be measured by this
awesome portable gadget
i wrote this not to offend anyone..
it's just my opinion
my so-called voiceswithin..=)
Labels: isu
aku xsuka ubah layout
sebab once dah tukar
t sure cam xpuas ati
n then tukar layout lg..
mybe yg ni dah finalised kot
erm, dah masuk waktu
mari tunai tuntutan pertama
di pagi rabu yg sejuk..=)
Labels: suka-suka
ceritanya lebih kurang gini r..
Anak: eh, mak nak g mane tu..? mak kan xsihat lagi.. baru je baik dari demam
Mak: mak nak ziarah jiran kita yang kat simpang tu. anak die eksiden semalam
Anak: mak, mak duduk je la rehat2.. mak xberapa sihat. xpe, bia orang lain yang g ziarah.. mak rehat yek.. saya watkan air
Mak: xpe.. lagipun mak g ngan abah kamu..
Anak: mak, penting sangat ke g ziarah jiran tu. sampaikan mak yang baru baik dari sakit ni sanggup g gak..
mak die senyum dan merenung anaknye..
Mak: Hasan, mak nak tanye ni..
Anak: ape die mak?
Mak: kalau mak atau abah tiba2 ditimpa musibah, agak2 siapa yang ziarah kami dulu.. kamu semua kerja jauh2.. dan kalau kamu semua dapat ziarah pun, sape yang leh tengok2kan mak atau abah lepas kamu pulang ke tempat masing2..?
Anak: hmm...
mak die senyum lagi dan merenung anaknye..
Mak: jawapan nya tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah jiran2 kita. sepanjang ketiadaan kamu, merekalah keluarga kami. jadi adalah suatu yang penting kalau kita dapat beri ziarah kepada mereka tatkala mereka ditimpa musibah..=)
err.. kita kenal x jiran2 kita? kenal name atau saling kenal hati budi.. peace..=)
Labels: remember this reminder
cek2 archive...
baru aku perasan
dah lebih doblas bulan dah
aku ber'blogspot'
Labels: ntahhapehapentah
sape merokok angkat tangan
xpe, aku xjoin..
sepanjang 2 3 hari jadi cashier
baru r aku sedar
rokok2 malaysia
'berwajah baru'
'harga baru' (compared mase aku jd cashier tahun lepas r)
okeh, aku jahil sikit ngn bende2 ni
ade 2 bende aku nak ulas
akak2 and amoi2 makin ramai yang isap
promising trend.. hahahahaha..
i'm sure taukeh rokok leh senyum lebar
sebab demand makin bertambah..
harga naik mendadak, tapi org still beli
umpama harga petrol mandatory RM2.70
satu ketika dulu..
kalu korang sume perasan (or aku je yg baru perasan)
rokok2 sekarang ni berwajah baruade promosi mandatory dari kerajaan
menarik gak approach ni..
"bro, nak rokok Dunhill 14 yek.. tp yang gamba kaki punye"
aku rase sebab yang gamba kaki tu less frighten kot.. hahahaha
"adik, rokok Benson besar satu kotak aaa.. tp xmau yang gamba baby punya.. gamba lain xpa.."
aku rase amoi ni seorang yang suka budak2..
"eleh, lua je lain.. dalam still same.."
Labels: isu
i must have been crazy..
been googling for my name in the web
the results is pretty funny
in other part of the world
'I' am a superhero.. (kamen rider)
'I' am a legendary poet
'I' am a promising astronauts
'I' am a terrorist
'I' am an artist
'I' am just innocence cute baby
even the nickname 'tusky' goes to
a private higher learning institution
i must had been crazy..
Labels: suka-suka
kak I: sabtu ni ko masuk kerje kul 7 pagi.. balik kul 3 petang.. then masuk balik kul 6.30 petang, balik kul 8 pagi esoknye..
aku: errr......
kak I: ko leh xleh ni..?
aku: bleh je kot..(sambil kira berpa jam tah aku kene keje..)
7-3 = 8 jam..
7pm-8am = 13 jam..
equals = 21 jam..
kak I: sabtu ni je..
aku: orait
Labels: suka-suka
here we are...
sitting, standing and living..
in such a colorful
part of the globe..
well, perhaps some may not
have much color
but then again, most of us did
this part of the globe
is so big for small creature like us..
we travel here and there
in this very small piece of the world
but still
we can enjoy the color
it made us not realise
unconcern, unlikely to care
the other part of the globe
whereby at this very moment
people are starving to death
whereby at this very moment
people are fighting with bullets
preserving their life
whereby at this very moment
the color might dull
the color might unpleasant
to be seen...
whereby at this very moment
the other living creature
suffering from our own actions
what the hell??
Labels: screaming
define empty life..
doing nothing..
being with nobody...
kept quiet in own silence
doing same thing
all day all night
just do, and isolate
our self in own world
seems enjoy everything
having lot of stuff to do
lot of frenz to hang out with
but deep inside
the greatest emptiness
is not having the essence of iman
within us..
we may have every single joy we
ever think of
but without the iman
we are living
in empty life....
Labels: voice within
bgn pagi seawal jam 6..
iron baju suar, g shower..
solat subuh ngn sut kerja
then lepak2 jap.....xbrkfast pn
jam 6.35, start moto, jalan..
punch card kul 6.45 am
bukak pintu, kemas2..
then kire2 duit untuk shift pagi
tekan2 pin number,
urusniaga bermula...
"selamat datang tuan/puan/abang/akak"
"terima kasih, datang lagi"
code of ethic yg kene praktik...
dari bermula sampai berakhir..
macam2 ragam dan karenah
tp resmi niaga..
diorang always right
walaupun selalu je diorang xbetul..
xpelah, kita tolong kasi betul..
tp kadang2 ade yg terlepas emo..
hahahahaha.. aku tgk dgn tertawa dalam
pagi2 ramai...
tengah2 hari pun ramai..
petang2 pun ramai..
berdiri juga code of ethic..
satu shift 8 jam, kadang2 12 jam..
susah sket nak duduk2 rilek2..
cctv berlambak, pihak2 berwajib slalu singgah
petang nak tutup till
berdebar2, sebab hari2 org ramai
pasti ade short/over
kalu terlebih terkurang, gaji dipotong
balik kerja dengan penat sini sana..
pas mghrib dok terbaring kat ruang tamu..
bile ditanya, "fuh, letihnye'
ayat mak aku yang best
"baru awak tau susahnya nak cari duit"
makan dalam.. sumber semangat untuk shift esok..=)
Labels: voice within , xperience
"datang dulu nak interview..."
okeh, 2 3 hari ni aku mungkin dah x tanam anggur lagi..=)
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