dis pic shows bunch of callus, a differentiated mass of explant which can be regenerate into complete planlets. the ability for this explant to regenerate is called totipotency. explant, be it from leaves, root, stem shoot has the ability to regenerate n become a useful complete plantlet.. same goes to us, to human.. we have so many explant( portions of our abilities, characters,etc) which are in dedifferentiated mode. it needs certain medium, or determination in order to develop into essential element for ourselves. our explants can regenerate, can become useful to us, to the mankind.. believe in your totipotency, u will be a complete regenerated human in every aspects of urlife..=
Human totipotency
Posted by
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Labels: voice within
1 Voices:
though i got awesome C+
in tc..
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